Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Take Two: Long Shorts are Getting Shorter, Short Shorts are Getting Longer

We’ve all had those family get-togethers where old pictures are brought out; we’ve all seen our dad’s in short shorts and our moms that make us laugh. Looking at how fashion for men and women have essentially flip-flopped, many questions arise: Why are men covering up? Why are women letting it all hang out? The evolution of style could be blamed on a constant power struggle between the genders.
            Looking back fashion from the 1960s and 1970s in a yearbook from UMBC, many trends are seen throughout the entire book. Men’s shorts are, well short. The clothing that many women are wearing is modest and professional.  At this point in time women were slowly gaining equality and working their way into society.

            Today, women are supposedly empowered by their bodies and the power it has over the male population.  That is understandable to an extent; however it doesn’t suggest why men’s clothing has become more “modest.”  Male clothing has always been more practical. It is supposed to support a variety of actions. Men
traditionally went out and did the work; women generally stayed home. This most likely affected the styles for men and women. As for the reasons fashion has changed, culture has changed, therefore what is in changes.
             The feminist equality movement may have influenced women to change their clothing style. Women started wearing what was traditionally men’s clothing as well as joining the work force. Female trends seem to follow male fashion trends.  Men’s fashion seems to mirror these changes by constantly changing. It could be concluded that in general, the male population feels it a power threat when women dress similarly to them. Reviews on men’s fashion on women (the tomboy look) include words like “empowered” “strong” etc. 
            The changes in clothing over the years will continue to revolve around the power struggle that it seems to be evolving from.  The constant battle of the sexes will affect the change.  Fashion will never stop evolving; the battle between the genders will probably continue to follow the evolution of style.  Long shorts are getting shorter, and short shorts are getting longer.

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