Sunday, September 12, 2010

Caged Bird

I realize I know exactly how that bird feels. I’ve never been able to spread my wings, to go out and be my own person. I merely look out at the world and wish for a chance to experience it. It becomes exhausting after a while. The best escape is the books that take my mind on adventures and the songs  that fill my head. I can live vicariously through the characters in the books I read and experience the emotion a music artist has in his/her music.Even though I am expected to be home at all times; when reading these books, I’m able to leave the four white walls of my room and enter places that Ive never been and extremely fictional places some have never even dreamt of, but for a moment these become real these are  places that only exist in my reader’s mind. The music I hear lets me see what’s going on outside this bland house I’m trapped in. There is a song for nearly every emotion and moment, music is a connection that allows even caged birds to fly. Sometimes I even get inspired and write my own stories and songs, giving me the chance to decide how things should be. Reading and music is my way of experiencing life, even if there are things that stand in my way of doing it in real life. My parents can keep me trapped in this small room but they can’t keep my mind cooped up. I am a caged bird, but I’m still learning ways I can fly.

252 words


  1. Your blog is absolutely beautiful and i can relate 100 percent. It is great that you have found an escape even though you parents (like my known) want you to be home instead of out having your own adventures. You be a free bird one day Mal.

  2. First off, the picture that you chose is beautiful! It's unfortunate that your parents always want you inside but I admire that you took it upon yourself to find outlets for yourself to keep you from being bored. I hope that one day you'll be able to experience great adventures in your real life also! Keep reading though ;-)

  3. Very well written post. The reading you do and your creative ability definitely shows in this blog. I hope you do get to experience more but keep up the reading and writing as well, you seem to be good at it!

  4. The picture you uploaded is very fitting to your post! I totally understand what you mean by books and music can take you to a whole other place in your mind, although sadly it sometimes makes you wish you could physically be there as well. I hope you escape your cage and see what the world has to offer :)

    P.S. Great closing!

  5. I love that you brought up music. I can go from one place to another in an instant depending on what song I'm listening to. It's such a great way to hide from all the chaos of our own lives, even if it's just for a few minutes.
